Bid Packet for new 3500 HD Crew Cab 4WD Work Truck
New Years Recycling Schedule
All RECYCLING will be picked up on TUESDAY 1/3/23
Garbage will be on regular schedule
My Lake Guntersville-Stakeholder’s Meeting

Planning Commission/Board of Adjustments
There will not be a Planning Commission meeting due to a lack of a quorum tonight (10/11/22).
Tomorrow’s Board of Adjustments meeting has been postponed and will be rescheduled (10/12/22).
Manufacture Recycling Trailer Bids
The City of Guntersville will accept sealed bids for Manufactured Recycling Trailers. Complete specifications and instructions are available at the office of Betty Jones, City Clerk, 341 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville AL 35976 or on the City’s website at, which may be picked up in person at City Hall or downloaded from the website. Bids will be accepted until 2:00pm on September 28th 2022 at the above address. On that date the bids will be opened and read aloud in the Conference Room. The City of Guntersville has the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality. Successful bidders must have or obtain a City of Guntersville Privilege License. No prequalification required.