City of Guntersville or
Marshall County Courthouse:
Marshall County EMA
Guntersville Chamber of Commerce
Marshall County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Alabama Department of Public Health
Alabama Department of Labor
Alabama Department of Education
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Agriculture
UD Department of Education
Message from Senior Center concerning Meals on Wheels Program
The Guntersville Senior Center has always had a Meals of Wheels Program, in order to be on this program you must be 60 yrs of age, homebound and be an existing client of the Senior Center.. These meals are provided where necessary and feasible to meet the needs of frail elderly whose location or condition prohibits participation in a congregate senior center meal program. In order to receive these meals at this time you must already be on our program. We will not be taking any new clients until the COVID 19 crisis is over. We will continue to serve our homebound as long as we can receive the food from our vendor. We regret that we can not take any new clients at this time.
Reita T. Graham
Guntersville Senior Center
Keep in mind this is a very fluid situation with information changing frequently. We will post updates on our website and social media.
For the last week we have been in constant communication with local, state, and federal officials, regarding COVID-19.
With the current climate, we now find ourselves in the City of Guntersville continuing to make our most important goal protecting our citizens and our employees. With the information coming to us changing, even hourly, it is necessary for the City to take certain precautionary measures.
This afternoon the Mayor called a special meeting with all department heads to further discuss our COVID-19 plan and how each department can work to efficiently meet the needs of our citizens. This group of individuals who lead the city departments on a daily basis is greatly appreciated. Our department heads have been preparing accordingly. Each department is taking extra precautions to ensure the safety and health of the public. The Mayor, City Council, department heads and every city employee are public servants and we all are committed to do our very best to insure the health, safety and welfare of our community.
With the President of the United States, and the Governor of Alabama both declaring a state of emergency trying to slow the spread of the COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus; the City of Guntersville will make changes in some services and facilities. The changes below are to protect our citizens of Guntersville and our city employees as well as others who work or are connected within the city operations. The City will be taking the following actions effective immediately until further notice:
• City Council and Planning and Zoning Meetings – Will continue as scheduled. However, this could change as new information is provided.
• Senior Center – Closed to the public. For those in need of meals, they will be delivered as part of Meals on Wheels Program. For more information please call 256-505-3000 or email
• Parks and Recreation – Closed to the public. All youth sports, games and practices, are suspended. Outdoor areas will remain open for individual usage, but with no organized activities. All outdoor restrooms will be closed during this time. For more information call 256-571-7590 or email
• Library – Closed to the public. All programming currently scheduled is cancelled. For more information call 256-571-7595 or email Visit our website to see the electronic resources available. Wi-fi will be available in the parking lot from 7 am to 9 pm.
• Museum – Closed to the public. All programming currently scheduled is cancelled. For more information call 256-571-7597 or email
• Court – Closed to the public. As ordered by the Alabama Supreme Court, there will be no court until April 22nd. For warrants or anything else you need, please call the office. If you have any questions call the court office at 256-571-7579 or email Payments will be accepted online or with a credit card over the phone.
• Transportation – Please call the office at 256-571-7574 or email to schedule transportation. Trips will be evaluated on a case by case basis to limit exposure.
• Airport – Operations will continue as normal with limited contact. For more information please call 256-582-6087 or email
• Public Works – We will continue normal operating hours and services which includes brush pickup and yard waste pickup
• Sanitation – We will continue the normal scheduled route.
• Recycling – We will continue the normal scheduled route. For recycling, please be sure that all recycling is clean, and there are no contaminated products in your bag to ensure the safety of our employees. If you are not sure, please throw in the garbage. We will not be accepting recycling at the center right now. All recycling must be picked up curbside or in a city recycling trailer.
• Fire – The Department will continue as normal offering emergency services. For the protection of our employees please do not enter either fire station if you have been exposed or are having any flu like symptoms. You can call the fire department for any information at 256-571-7575 or 256-571-7585. Also, remember 911 is for emergencies only.
• Police – The Police Department will continue normal hours. All in progress calls will be answered as normal. If you need a report for a case not in progress, please call and the report will be taken over the phone. For any information at 256-571-7571. Also, remember 911 is for emergencies only.
• City Hall – The building will be closed to the public. We encourage any payments to be mailed or call and we accept credit card over the phone. For more information please call 256-571-7560 or email
• Building Inspections – The building will be closed to the public. To set up an inspection, please call the office. For more information please call 256-571-7564 or email
• Guntersville City Schools are closed until Monday, April 6.
All city employees are to report to work as normal.
We all have heard the basic steps to protect us from the virus.
• Wash your hands often
• Avoid touching your face
• Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
• And stay home if you are sick
• Avoid handshakes, hugs, or touching other people.
The CDC recommends social distancing to stop the spread of the virus.
That’s six feet, particularly keeping that distance between you and someone who appears sick.
We do have concerns for our seniors. We all need to do everything that we can to help them stay clear of this virus. Let’s all look for ways to help our seniors by checking with them frequently and supporting them.
Also, please support our local businesses! None of us know the long-term effects of this situation, so please continue to support our local economy and business owners. Stay active.
We do not have all of the answers but will do our best to help insure the health and safety of everyone in our community.
Please email or or call City Hall at 256-571-7560 if you need additional information or require assistance.
Everyone’s patience is appreciated as we work through this difficult time together.