October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Guntersville Fire Department is selling
“Fight Cancer” t-shirts for $15.00 and can be purchased at Station #1 located at 1745 Blount Ave
Alabama's Lake City!
Guntersville Fire and Rescue Schedule for the 9/11 Memorial Service located at Fire Station #1
1745 Blount Avenue, Guntersville AL
7:00-7:20am: Arrival of Albertville Fire Honor Guard (Present the Colors), Marshall County Sheriff’s Office Honor Guard (21 Gun Salute), Arab Fire, Boaz Fire, Marshall EMS, and any of the Police Departments
7:30-7:46am: Speaker
7:46-7:50am: Moment of Silence followed by a prayer for all the lives lost and their families.
7:50-7:55am: MCSO 21 Gun Salute followed by Taps played by Firefighter Oaks
7:55-8:00am: Dismiss
The Guntersville Municipal Airport, operated by the City of Guntersville, Guntersville, Alabama, hereby publishes a proposed overall goal for its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program for FY 2017 for the Guntersville Municipal Airport. The proposed overall goal is 9.91% for all FAA-AIP funded projects for FY 2017. The methodology used in developing this goal is available for inspection at Guntersville City Hall, 341 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL, Monday through Friday, from 8 AM until 4:30 PM, or go to the website at www.guntersvilleal.org/home/index/php . The City will receive and consider public comments on the proposed goal for 30 days from the date of this advertisement. These goals are established in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26. Written comments may be forwarded to the address sited below.
The Honorable Leigh Dollar
City of Guntersville
341 Gunter Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
The City of Guntersville Public Works Department has announced a modified recycling pickup schedule for the Memorial Day Week.
Regular Monday recycling pickup will be on Tuesday and regular Tuesday pickup will be moved to Wednesday. Garbage collection will be on regular schedule.
Please have recycling bags to the curb the night before pickup or by 6:30 AM.
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT External Job Title: Head Swim Coach (Seasonal) Announcement Date: March 6, 2025 Closing Date: Open Until Filled Announcement Type: External Announcement Number: 25-05 Department: Parks & Rcreation FLSARead More
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT External Job Title: Lifeguard (Seasonal) Department: Parks & Rcreation FLSA Classification: Hourly, Non-Exempt Announcement Date: March 6, 2025 Closing Date: Open Until Filled Announcement Type: External Announcement Number: Read More