The Guntersville Christmas parade will be changed to a “Drive-Thru” parade. The spike in COVID-19 cases weighed heavily in the decision to modify the traditional Christmas parade and we also received very few applications. Our citizens’ well-being is of the utmost importance and we certainly do not want to increase the risk of exposing spectators, participants, people working the event (law enforcement & volunteers) and their families to this virus. The modified parade will allow spectators to remain in their vehicles and drive-thru to view Santa Claus and other entries. Spectators will not be allowed to exit their vehicles. Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, and helpers will be masked and gloved handing out candy to children as they drive by. The following is the parade route: The left lane of Blount Avenue at Scott Street will serve as the entrance to the drive-thru parade. Spectators will then loop around onto Gunter Avenue (remaining in the left lane). Santa and other entries will be set up in the left parking lane on Gunter (between the Chamber and Scott St). Scott Street will be closed to traffic. The right lanes on Gunter and Blount will remain open for normal traffic flow. The drive-thru parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 12 at 4:00pm and continues until 5:00pm. Street closures will begin at 3:00pm and line-up for participants is from 3:15pm. All participants will be required to wear masks and spectators are encouraged to do so as well. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled and not rescheduled. We will be reaching out to everyone who submitted an application this afternoon (Monday, December 7).